
Invoking Group Explorer from GAP

Version 0.9.5
Released 2019-06-20

This project is maintained by Nathan Carter

GAP Package GroupExplorer

The GroupExplorer package lets GAP users invoke the web-based app Group Explorer, for visualizing groups, from within GAP. It supports invocation from within Jupyter notebooks or from the GAP REPL, by leveraging the JupyterViz package.

The current version of this package is version 0.9.5, released on 2019-06-20. For more information, please refer to the package manual. There is also a README file.


This package requires GAP version >= 4.9

The following other GAP packages are needed:


Nathan Carter.


Please, cite this package as

[Car19] Carter, N., GroupExplorer, Invoking Group Explorer from GAP, Version 0.9.5 (2019)
(GAP package),

You can get more info by typing Cite("GroupExplorer"); in the gap prompt.


For bug reports, feature requests and suggestions, please use the issue tracker.