Citing Group Explorer 3.0

Visualization software for the abstract algebra classroom

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If you use Group Explorer to create images or find information that you use in a paper or presentation, please cite it in one of the following ways. It seems to me that the online help can be considered either part of the software or part of the website, since it appears in both.

Citing the software itself

Example in APA style:

Carter, N. & Ellis, R. (2019). Group Explorer, Version 3.0 [computer software]. Waltham, MA.

Example BibTeX entry:

  title = {Group Explorer version 3.0},
  author = {Nathan Carter and Ray Ellis},
  address = {Waltham, MA},
  year = {2019},
  url = {},

Citing the website

Example in APA style:

Carter, N. & Ellis, R. (2019). Group Explorer. Retrieved May 11, 2019, from

(You should fill in the date you view it, rather than the example date above.)

Example BibTeX entry:

  Author = {Nathan Carter and Ray Ellis},
  Lastchecked = {May 11, 2019},
  Title = {Group Explorer},
  Url = {\url{}},
  Year = {2019}

Citing the JOMA article about GE

The article can be seen online here, and it can be cited like this.

Example in APA style:

Carter, N., Emmons, B. (2005). Group Theory Visualization with Group Explorer. Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications. Retrieved May 11, 2007, from

(You should fill in the date you view it, rather than the example date above.)

Example BibTeX entry:

  Author = {Nathan Carter and Brad Emmons},
  Journal = {Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications},
  Title = {Group Theory Visualization with {G}roup {E}xplorer},
  Url = {\url{}},
  Year = {2005}