User Guide
The webLurch User Guide is for aspiring authors of Lurch documents who want to learn how to use the software. It is comprehensive, in the sense that it begins with the most basics steps, and will eventually include all details through the most advanced uses of Lurch.
It is a work in progress, documenting features as they are built. Because the web version of Lurch is not yet complete, neither is this User Guide. They will grow together.
Use the navigation menu at the top for Authors to access each part of the guide, or just keep clicking the "Next" button at the top of the page to read through it sequentially.
The guide very often includes embedded live examples, which you can edit and play with (and even save their contents in your browser or in your Dropbox). They look like this:
To view an embedded demo using the full app, you have two options.
- Select all the content, copy it, visit the full app, and paste.
- From the File menu, choose Share document, copy the sharing link, paste it into your browser's URL bar, and press Enter.