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Chapter 11. Bézeir Curves

This page contains links to all resources mentioned in Chapter 11 of the textbook.

Bézier curve simplifier

Use this online tool to enter your control points and have it create a simple vector function formula for a cubic Bézier curve.  (The top of that page shows the code that the page is using to do the work; scroll down to where it asks you for your input.)

Interactive cubic Bézier curves

Try this interactive website for cubic Bézier curves in two dimensions. It allows you to move anywhere in on the page the four control points, and it shows the corresponding function P(t) built using the formula given in this chapter of the textbook. You can see how the control points determine the curve as you drag them around.

Car-and-track scene

You can download the .pov scene file containing the car and track, for use in exercises that ask you to modify it.

Explosion Example

This shows what it could look like to apply to the sphere in the POV basic scene the explosion macro you are asked to build in one of this chapter's advanced programming exercises.