Affine Transformations in 2D
See instructions below.
- To add a shape to the affine plane on the right, click the green plus sign in the Shape column on the left. Then choose from the new drop-down list that was inserted which shape you want to use.
- To remove a shape, click its name and choose the last option in the list, “(remove this).”
- To add an affine transformation to a newly inserted shape, click the green plus sign in the Transformations column. New transformations are always added to the left of other transformations. The rightmost transformation is applied first.
- To remove an affine transformation, click it, and when the blue box appears, click Delete.
- To edit an affine transformation, click it, and use the
blue editing box that appears.
- Choose T for translate, S for scale, and R for rotate.
- After choosing T, S, or R, fill in the values below,
which appear as subscripts on the transformation.
If the type is T, the x and y values are the components of the translation vector.
If the type is R, the angle value is how much to rotate, in degrees. - Click Close when finished editing, or just click the same transformation again.