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1 Purpose

1 Purpose

This package adds visualization tools for semigroups. It is built on the JupyterViz package, which means that the visualizations it creates can be used either in Jupyter notebooks or from the GAP REPL.

When called from a Jupyter notebook input cell, functions like ShowEggBoxDiagram (4.1-1) produce a visualization in the corresponding output cell. When called from the GAP REPL, the same function would show the same visualization by opening it in the user's default web browser.

In either case, such visualizations support some level of interactivity, primarily because semigroups can be very large and thuse the user is permitted to select the subset of it that they wish to see. More documentation on this appears in Section 2.4.

At present, there is only one visualization provided for semigroups, the egg-box diagram, which is documented in Chapter 2. This package may be extended with other visualizations in the future.

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