
2. Big Cheat Sheet

This file summarizes all the coding concepts learned from DataCamp in MA346, as well as those learned in CS230 that remain important in MA346. It is broken into sections in the order in which we encounter the topics in the course, and the course schedule on the main page links to each section from the day on which it’s learned.

2.1. Before Day 2: Review of CS230

2.1.1. Introduction to Python (optional, basic review) Chapter 1: Python Basics

Comments, which are not executed:

# Start with a hash, then explain your code.

Print simple data:

print( 1 + 5 )

Storing data in a variable:

num_friends = 1000

Integers and real numbers (“floating point”):

0, 20, -3192, 16.51309, 0.003


"You can use double quotes."
'You can use single quotes.'
'Don\'t forget backslashes when needed.'


True, False

Asking Python for the type of a piece of data:

type( 5 ), type( "example" ), type( my_data )

Converting among data types:

str( 5 ), int( "-120" ), float( "0.5629" )

Basic arithmetic (\(+\), \(-\), \(\times\), \(\div\)):

1 + 2, 1 - 2, 1 * 2, 1 / 2

Exponents, integer division, and remainders:

1 ** 2, 1 // 2, 1 % 2 Chapter 2: Python Lists

Create a list with square brackets:

small_primes = [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 ]

Lists can mix data of any type, even other lists:

# Sublists are name, age, height (in m)
heroes = [ [ 'Harry Potter', 11, 1.3 ],
           [ 'Ron Weasley', 11, 1.5 ],
           [ 'Hermione Granger', 11, 1.4 ] ]

Accessing elements from the list is zero-based:

small_primes[0]   # == 2
small_primes[-1]  # == 23

Slicing lists is left-inclusive, right-exclusive:

small_primes[2:4] # == [5,7]
small_primes[:4]  # == [2,3,5,7]
small_primes[4:]  # == [11,13,17,19,23]

It can even use a “stride” to count by something other than one:

small_primes[0:7:2]     # selects items 0,2,4,6
small_primes[::3]       # selects items 0,3,6
small_primes[::-1]      # selects all, but in reverse

If indexing gives you a list, you can index again:

heroes[1][0]        # == 'Ron Weasley'

Modify an item in a list, or a slice all at once:

some_list[5] = 10
some_list[5:10] = [ 'my', 'new', 'entries' ]

Adding or removing entries from a list:

small_primes += [ 27, 29, 31 ]
small_primes = small_primes + [ 37, 41 ]
small_primes.append( 43 )  # to add just one entry
del( heroes[0] )    # Voldemort's goal
del( heroes[:] )    # or, even better, this

Copying or not copying lists:

# L will refer to the same list in memory as heroes:
L = heroes
# M will refer to a full copy of the heroes array:
M = heroes[:] Chapter 3: Functions and Packages

Calling a function and saving the result:

lastSmallPrime = max( small_primes )

Getting help on a function:

help( max )

Methods are functions that belong to an object. (In Python, every piece of data is an object.)


name = 'jerry'
name.capitalize()             # == 'Jerry'
name.count( 'r' )             # == 2
flavors = [ 'vanilla', 'chocolate', 'strawberry' ]
flavors.index( 'chocolate' )  # == 1

Installing a package from conda:

conda install package_name

Ensuring conda forge packages are available:

conda config --add channels conda-forge

Installing a package from pip:

pip3 install package_name

Importing a package and using its contents:

import math
print( math.pi )
# or if you'll use it a lot and want to be brief:
import math as M
print( M.pi )

Importing just some functions from a package:

from math import pi, degrees
print( "The value of pi in degrees is:" )
print( degrees( pi ) )        # == 180.0 Chapter 4: NumPy

Creating NumPy arrays from Python lists:

import numpy as np
a = np.array( [ 5, 10, 6, 3, 9 ] )

Elementise computations are supported:

a * 2       # == [ 10, 20, 12, 6, 18 ]
a < 10      # == [ True, False, True, True, True ]

Use comparisons to subset/select:

a[a < 10]   # == [ 5, 6, 3, 9 ]

Note: NumPy arrays don’t permit mixing data types:

np.array( [ 1, "hi" ] )  # converts all to strings

NumPy arrays can be 2d, 3d, etc.:

a = np.array( [ [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
                [ 5, 6, 7, 8 ] ] )
a.shape     # == (2,4)

You can index/select with comma notation:

a[1,3]      # == 8
a[0:2,0:2]  # == [[1,2],[5,6]]
a[:,2]      # == [3,7]
a[0,:]      # == [1,2,3,4]

Fast NumPy versions of Python functions, and some new ones:

np.sum( a )
np.sort( a )
np.mean( a )
np.median( a )
np.std( a )
# and others

2.1.2. Python Data Science Toolbox, Part 1 (optional, basic review) Chapter 1: Writing your own functions

Tuples are like lists, but use parentheses, and are immutable.

t = ( 6, 1, 7 )        # create a tuple
t[0]                   # == 6
a, b, c = t            # a==6, b==1, c==7

Syntax for defining a function:

(A function that modifies any global variables needs the Python global keyword inside to identify those variables.)

def function_name ( arguments ):
    """Write a docstring describing the function."""
    # do some things here.
    # note the indentation!
    # and optionally:
    return some_value
    # to return multiple values: return v1, v2

Syntax for calling a function:

(Note the distinction between “arguments” and “parameters.”)

# if you do not care about a return value:
function_name( parameters )
# if you wish to store the return value:
my_variable = function_name( parameters )
# if the function returns multiple values:
var1, var2 = function_name( parameters ) Chapter 2: Default arguments, variable-length arguments, and scope

Defining nested functions:

def multiply_by ( x ):
    """Creates a function that multiplies by x"""
    def result ( y ):
        """Multiplies x by y"""
        return x * y
    return result
# example usage:
    multiply_by( 2.54 ) )  # result is now in cm

Providing default values for arguments:

def rand_between ( a=0, b=1 ):
    """Gives a random float between a and b"""
    return np.random.rand() * ( b - a ) + a

Accepting any number of arguments:

def commas_between ( *args ):
    """Returns the args as a string with commas"""
    result = ""
    for item in args:
        result += ", " + str(item)
    return result[2:]
commas_between(1,"hi",7)    # == "1,hi,7"

Accepting a dictionary of arguments:

def inverted ( **kwargs ):
    """Interchanges keys and values in a dict"""
    result = {}
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        result[value] = key
    return result
inverted( jim=42, angie=9 )
        # == { 42 : 'jim', 9 : 'angie' } Chapter 3: Lambda functions and error handling

Anonymous functions:

lambda arg1, arg2: return_value_here
# example:
lambda k: k % 2 == 0    # detects whether k is even

Some examples in which anonymous functions are useful:

list( map( lambda k: k%2==0, [1,2,3,4,5] ) )
                   # == [False,True,False,True,False]
list( filter( lambda k: k%2==0, [1,2,3,4,5] ) )
                   # == [2,4]
reduce( lambda x, y: x*y, [1,2,3,4,5] )
                   # == 120 (1*2*3*4*5)

Raising errors if users call your functions incorrectly:

# You can detect problems in advance:
def factorial ( n ):
    if type( n ) != int:
        raise TypeError( "n must be an int" )
    if n < 0:
        raise ValueError( "n must be nonnegative" )
    return reduce( lambda x,y: x*y, range( 2, n+1 ) )

# Or you can let Python detect them:
def solve_equation ( a, b ):
    """Solves a*x+b=0 for x"""
        return -b / a
        return None
solve_equation( 2, -1 )    # == 0.5
solve_equation( 0, 5 )     # == None

2.1.3. Intermediate Python (required review) Chapter 1: Matplotlib

Conventional way to import matplotlib:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Creating a line plot:

plt.plot( x_data, y_data )     # create plot                     # display plot

Creating a scatter plot:

plt.scatter( x_data, y_data )  # create plot                     # display plot
# or this alternative form:
plt.plot( x_data, y_data, kind='scatter' )

Labeling axes and adding title:

plt.xlabel( 'x axis label here' )
plt.ylabel( 'y axis label here' )
plt.title( 'Title of Plot' ) Chapter 2: Dictionaries & Pandas

Creating a dictionary directly:

days_in_month = {
    "january"  : 31,
    "february" : 28,
    "march"    : 31,
    "april"    : 30,
    # and so on, until...
    "december" : 31

Getting and using keys:

days_in_month.keys()    # == ["january",
                        #     "february",...]
days_in_month["april"]  # == 30

Updating dictionary and checking membership:

days_in_month["february"] = 29   # update for 2020
"tuesday" in days_in_month       # == False
days_in_month["tuesday"] = 9     # a mistake
"tuesday" in days_in_month       # == True
del( days_in_month["tuesday"] )  # delete mistake
"tuesday" in days_in_month       # == False

Build manually from dictionary:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame( {
    "column label 1": [
        "this example uses...",
        "string data here."
    "column label 2": [
        100.65,  # and numerical data
        -92.04   # here, for example
    # and more columns if needed
} )
df.index = [
    "put your...",
    "row labels here."

Import from CSV file:

# if row and column headers are in first row/column:
df = pd.read_csv( "/path/to/file.csv",
                  index_col = 0 )
# if no row headers:
df = pd.read_csv( "/path/to/file.csv" )

Indexing and selecting data:

df["column name"]    # is a "Series" (labeled column)
df["column name"].values()
                     # extract just its values
df[["column name"]]  # is a 1-column dataframe
df[["col1","col2"]]  # is a 2-column dataframe
df[n:m]              # slice of rows, a dataframe
df.loc["row name"]   # is a "Series" (labeled column)
                     # yes, the row becomes a column
df.loc[["row name"]] # 1-row dataframe
                     # 3-row dataframe
                     # same as previous
                     # 3-column dataframe
                     # 3x2 slice of the dataframe
df.iloc[[5]]         # is a "Series" (labeled column)
                     # contains the 6th row's data
df.iloc[[5,6,7]]     # 3-row dataframe (6th-8th)
df.iloc[[5,6,7],:]   # same as previous
df.iloc[:,[0,4]]     # 2-column dataframe
                     # 3x2 slice of the dataframe Chapter 3: Logic, Control Flow, and Filtering

Python relations work on NumPy arrays and Pandas Series:

<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=

Logical operators can combine the above relations:

and, or, not          # use these on booleans
np.logical_and(x,y)   # use these on numpy arrays
np.logical_or(x,y)    # (assuming you have imported
np.logical_not(x)     # numpy as np)

Filtering Pandas DataFrames:

series = df["column"]
filter = series > some_number
df[filter]  # new dataframe, a subset of the rows
# or all at once:
df[df["column"] > some_number]
# combining multiple conditions:
df[np.logical_and( df["population"] > 5000,
                   df["area"] < 1250 )]

Conditional statements:

# Take an action if a condition is true:
if put_condition_here:
# Take a different action if the condition is false:
if put_condition_here:
# Consider multiple conditions:
if put_condition_here:
elif other_condition_here:
elif yet_another_condition:
    finally_this() Chapter 4: Loops

Looping constructs:

while some_condition:
    # as many lines of code here as you like.
    # note that indentation is crucial!
    # be sure to work towards some_condition
    # becoming false eventually!

for item in my_list:
    do_something_with( item )

for index, item in enumerate( my_list ):
    print( "item " + str(index) +
           " is " + str(item) )

for key, value in my_dict.items():
    print( "key " + str(key) +
           " has value " + str(value) )

for item in my_numpy_array:
    # works if the array is one-dimensional
    print( item )

for item in np.nditer( my_numpy_array ):
    # if it is 2d, 3d, or more
    print( item )

for column_name in my_dataframe:
    work_with( my_dataframe[column_name] )

for row_name, row in my_dataframe.iterrows():
    print( "row " + str(row_name) +
           " has these entries: " + str(row) )

# in dataframes, sometimes you can skip the for loop:
my_dataframe["column"].apply( function )  # a Series

2.1.4. pandas Foundations (required review) Chapter 1: Data ingestion & inspection

Basic DataFrame/Series tools:

df.head(5)           # first five rows
df.tail(5)           # last five rows
series.head(5)       # head, tail also work on series            # summary of the data types used

Adding details to reading DataFrames from CSV files:

# if no column headers:
df = pd.read_csv( "/path/to/file.csv",
                  index_col = 0, header = None,
                  names = ['column','names','here'] )
# if any missing data you want to mark as NaN:
# (na_values can be a list of patterns,
# or a dict mapping column names to patterns/lists)
df = pd.read_csv( "/path/to/file.csv",
                  na_values = 'pattern to replace' )
# and many other options!  (see the documentation)

To get a DataFrame with a date/time index:

# read as dates any columns that pandas can:
df = pd.read_csv( "/path/to/file.csv",
                  parse_dates = True )
# read as dates just the columns you specify:
df = pd.read_csv( "/path/to/file.csv",
                  parse_dates = ['column','names'] )
# to use one of those columns as a date/time index:
df = pd.read_csv( "/path/to/file.csv",
                  parse_dates = True,
                  index_col = 'Date' )
# combine multiple columns to form a date:
df = pd.read_csv( "/path/to/file.csv",
                  parse_dates = [[column,indices]] )

Export to CSV or XLSX file:

df.to_csv( "/path/to/output_file.csv" )
df.to_excel( "/path/to/output_file.xlsx" )

You can also create a plot from a Series or dataframe:

df.plot()            # or series.plot()
# or to show each column in a subplot:
df.plot( subplots = True )
# or to plot certain columns:
df.plot( x='col name', y='other col name' )

A few small ways to customize plots:

plt.xscale( 'log' )
plt.yticks( [ 0, 5, 10, 20 ] )

To create a histogram:

plt.hist( data, bins=10 )      # 10 is the default

To “clean up” so you can start a new plot:


Write text onto a plot:

plt.text( x, y, 'Text to write' )

To save a plot to a file:

# before, call:
plt.savefig( 'filename.png' )  # or .jpg or .pdf

2.1.5. Manipulating DataFrames with pandas (required review) Chapter 1: Extracting and transforming data

(This builds on the DataCamp Intermediate Python section.)

df.iloc[5:7,0:4]     # select ranges of rows/columns
df.iloc[:,0:4]       # select a range, all rows
df.iloc[[5,6],:]     # select a range, all columns
df.iloc[5:,:]        # all but the first five rows
df.loc['A':'B',:]    # colons can take row names too
                     # (but include both endpoints)
df.loc[:,'C':'D']    # ...also column names
df.loc['D':'A':-1]   # rows by name, reverse order

(This builds on the DataCamp Intermediate Python section.)

# avoid using np.logical_and with & instead:
df[(df["population"] > 5000)
 & (df["area"] < 1250 )]
# avoid using np.logical_or with | instead:
df[(df["population"] > 5000)
 | (df["area"] < 1250 )]
# filtering for missing values:
df.loc[:,df.all()]  # only columns with no zeroes
df.loc[:,df.any()]  # only columns with some nonzero
                    # only columns with a NaN entry
                    # only columns with no NaNs
df.dropna( how='any' )
                    # remove rows with any NaNs
df.dropna( how='all' )
                    # remove rows with all NaNs

You can filter one column based on another using these tools.

Apply a function to each value, returning a new DataFrame:

def example ( x ):
    return x + 1
df.apply( example )   # adds 1 to everything
df.apply( lambda x: x + 1 )    # same
# some functions are built-in:
df.floordiv( 10 )
# many operators automatically repeat:
df['total pay'] = df['salary'] + df['bonus']
# to extend a dataframe with a new column:
df['new col'] = df['old col'].apply( f )
# slightly different syntax for the index:
df.index = f )

You can also map columns through dicts, not just functions.

2.2. Before Day 3

2.2.1. Manipulating DataFrames with pandas Chapter 2: Advanced indexing

Creating a Series:

s = pd.Series( [ 5.0, 3.2, 1.9 ] )   # just data
s = pd.Series( [ 5.0, 3.2, 1.9 ],    # data with...
  index = [ 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed' ] )  # index
s.index[2:]                          # sliceable = 'Day of Week'         # index name

Column headings are also a series:

df.columns                    # is a pd.Series               # usually a string
df.columns.values             # column names array

Using an existing column as the index:

df.index = df['column name']  # once it's the index,
del df['column name']         # it can be deleted

Making an index from multiple columns that, when taken together, uniquely identify rows:

df = df.set_index( [ 'last_name', 'first_name' ] )                 # will be None
df.index.names                # list of strings
df = df.sort_index()          # hierarchical sort
df.loc[('Jones', 'Heide')]    # index rows by tuples
df.loc[('Jones', 'Heide'),    # and you can fetch an
       'birth_date']          # entry that way, too
df.loc['Jones']               # all rows of Joneses
df.loc['Jones':'Menendez']    # many last names
df.loc[(['Jones','Wu'], 'Heide'), :]
      # get both rows: Heide Jones and Heide Wu
      # (yes, the colon is necessary for rows)
df.loc[(['Jones','Wu'], 'Heide'), 'birth_date']
      # get Heide Jones's and Heide Wu's birth dates
      # get full rows for Heide and Henry Jones
      # 'Heide':'Henry' doesn't work inside tuples Chapter 3: Rearranging and reshaping data

If columns A and B together uniquely identify entries in column C, you can create a new DataFrame showing this:

new_df = df.pivot( index   = 'A',
                   columns = 'B',
                   values  = 'C' )
# or do this for all columns at once,
# creating a hierarchical column index:
new_df = df.pivot( index   = 'A',
                   columns = 'B' )

You can also invert pivoting, which is called “melting:”

old_df = pd.melt( new_df,
    id_vars = [ 'A' ],          # old index
    value_vars = [ 'values','of','column','B' ],
        # optional...pandas can often infer it
    var_name = 'B',       # these two lines just
    value_name = 'C' )    # restore column names

Convert hierarchical row index to a hierarchical column index:

# assume df.index.names is ['A','B','C']
df = df.unstack( level = 'B' )  # or A or C
# equivalently:
df = df.unstack( level = 1 )    # or 0 or 2
# and this can be inverted:
df = df.stack( level = 'B' )    # for example

To change the nesting order of a hierarchical index:

df = df.swaplevel( levelindex1, levelindex2 )
df = sort_index()               # necessary now

If the pivot column(s) aren’t a unique index, use pivot_table instead, often with an aggregation function:

new_df = df.pivot_table(        # this pivot table
    index   = 'A',              # is a frequency
    columns = 'B',              # table, because
    values  = 'C',              # aggfunc is count
    aggfunc = 'count' )         # (default: mean)
# other aggfuncs: 'sum', plus many functions in
# numpy, such as np.min, np.max, np.median, etc.
# You can also add column totals at the bottom:
new_df = df.pivot_table(
    index   = 'A',
    columns = 'B',
    values  = 'C',
    margins = True )            # add column sums Chapter 4: Grouping data

Group all columns except column A by the unique values in column A, then apply some aggregation method to each group:

# example: total number of rows for each weekday
df.groupby( 'weekday' ).count()
# example: total sales in each city
df.groupby( 'city' )['sales'].sum()
# multiple column names gives a multi-level index
df.groupby( [ 'city', 'state' ] ).mean()
# you can group by any series with the same index;
# here is an example:
series = df['column A'].apply( np.round )
df.groupby( series )['column B'].sum()

The agg method lets us do even more:

# you can do multiple aggregations at once;
# this, too, gives a multi-level index:
df.groupby( 'weekday' ).agg( [ 'max', 'sum' ] )
# or you can pass a user-defined function:
def sum_of_squares ( series ):
    return ( series * series ).sum()
df.groupby( 'weekday' )['column name']
  .agg( sum_of_squares )
# or dictionaries can let us apply different
# aggregations to different columns:
df.groupby( 'weekday' )[['Quantity Ordered',
                         'Total Cost']]
  .agg( { 'Quantity Ordered' : 'median',
          'Total Cost'       : 'sum' } )

transform is just like apply, except that it must convert each value into exactly one other, thus preserving shape.

# example: convert values to zscores
from scipy.stats import zscore
df.groupby( 'region' )['gdp'].transform( zscore )
  .agg( [ 'min', 'max' ] )
# example: impute missing values as medians
def impute_median(series):
    return series.fillna(series.median())
grouped = df.groupby( [ 'col B', 'col C' ] )
df['col A'] = grouped['col A']
              .transform( impute_median )

2.3. Before Day 4: Review of Visualization in CS230

2.3.1. pandas Foundations Chapter 2: Exploratory data analysis

Plots from DataFrames:

# any of these can be followed with plt.title(),
# plt.xlabel(), etc., then at the end:
df.plot( x='col name', y='col name', kind='scatter' )
df.plot( y='col name', kind='box' )
df.plot( y='col name', kind='hist' )
df.plot( kind='box' ) # all columns side-by-side
df.plot( kind='hist' ) # all columns on same axes

Histogram options: bins, range, normed, cumulative, and more.

df.describe()        # summary statistics
# df.describe() makes calls to df.mean(), df.std(),
# df.median(), df.quantile(), etc...

2.4. Before Day 5

2.4.1. Intermediate Python Chapter 5: Case Study: Hacker Statistics

Uniform random numbers from NumPy:

np.random.seed( my_int )  # choose a random sequence
# (seeds are optional, but ensure reproducibility)
np.random.rand()          # uniform random in [0,1)
np.random.randint(a,b)    # uniform random in a:b

2.4.2. Statistical Thinking in Python, Part 1 Chapter 1: Graphical Exploratory Data Analysis

Plotting a histogram of your data:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.hist( df['column of interest'] )
plt.xlabel( 'column name (units)' )
plt.ylabel( 'number of [fill in]' )

To change the \(y\) axis to probabilities:

plt.hist( df['column of interest'], normed=True )

Sometimes there is a sensible choice of where to place bin boundaries, based on the meaning of the \(x\) axis. Example:

plt.hist( df['column of percentages'],
          bins=[0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100] )

Change default plot styling to Seaborn:

import seaborn as sns
# then do plotting afterwards

If your data has observations as rows and features as columns, with two features of interest in columns A and B, you can create a “bee swarm plot” as follows.

# assuming your dataframe is called df:
sns.swarmplot( x='A', y='B', data=df )
plt.xlabel( 'explain column A' )
plt.ylabel( 'explain column B' )

To show a data’s distribution as an Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function plot:

# the data must be sorted from lowest to highest:
x = np.sort( df['column of interest'] )
# the y values must count evenly from 0% to 100%:
y = np.arange( 1, len(x)+1 ) / len(x)
# then create and show the plot:
plt.plot( x, y, marker='.', linestyle='none' )
plt.xlabel( 'explain column of interest' )
plt.ylabel( 'ECDF' )
plt.margins( 0.02 )  # 2% margin all around

Multiple ECDFs on one plot:

# prepare the data as before, but now repeatedly:
# (this could be abstracted into a function)
x = np.sort( df['column 1'] )
y = np.arange( 1, len(x)+1 ) / len(x)
plt.plot( x, y, marker='.', linestyle='none' )
x = np.sort( df['column 2'] )
y = np.arange( 1, len(x)+1 ) / len(x)
# and so on, if there were other columns to plot
plt.plot( x, y, marker='.', linestyle='none' )
# and so on if there are more data series
plt.legend( ('explain x1', 'explain x2'),
            loc='lower right')
# then label axes and show plot as usual (not shown) Chapter 2: Quantitative Exploratory Data Analysis

The mean is the center of mass of the data:

np.mean( df['column name'] )
np.mean( series )

The median is the 50th percentile, or midpoint of the data:

np.median( df['column name'] )
np.median( series )

Or you can compute any percentile:

quartiles = np.percentile(
    df['column name'], [ 25, 50, 75 ] )
iqr = quartiles[2] - quartiles[0]

Box plots show the quartiles, the IQR, and the outliers:

sns.boxplot( x='A', y='B', data=df )
# then label axes and show plot as above

Variance measures the spread of the data, the average squared distance from the mean. Standard deviation is its square root.

np.var( df['column name'] )  # or any series
np.std( df['column name'] )  # or any series

Covariance measures correlation between two data series.

# get a covariance matrix on of these ways:
M = np.cov( df['column 1'], df['column 2'] )
M = np.cov( series1, series2 )
# extract the value you care about, for example:
covariance = M[0,1]

The Pearson correlation coefficient normalizes this to \([-1,1]\):

# same as covariance, but using np.corrcoef instead:
np.corrcoef( series1, series2 ) Chapter 3: Thinking probabalistically–Discrete variables

Recall these random number generation basics:

np.random.seed( my_int )
np.random.random()        # uniform random in [0,1)
np.random.randint(a,b)    # uniform random in a:b

Sampling many times from some distribution:

# if the distribution is built into numpy:
results = np.random.random( size=1000 )
# if the distribution is not built into numpy:
simulation_size = 1000    # or any number
results = np.empty( simulation_size )
for i in range( simulation_size ):
    # generate a random number here, however you
    # need to; here is a random example:
    value = 1 - np.random.random() ** 2
    # store it in the list of results:
    results[i] = value

Bernoulli trials with probability \(p\):

success = np.random.random() < p    # one trial
num_successes = np.random.binomial(
    num_trials, p )                 # many trials
# 1000 experiments, each containing 20 trials:
results = np.random.binomial( 20, p, size=1000 )

Poisson distribution (size parameter optional):

samples = np.random.poisson(
    mean_arrival_rate, size=1000 ) Chapter 4: Thinking probabalistically–Continuous variables

Normal (Gaussian) distribution (size parameter optional):

samples = np.random.normal( mean, std, size=1000 )

Exponential distribution (time between events in a Poisson distribution, size parameter optional again):

samples = np.random.exponential( mean_wait, size=10 )

You can take an array of numbers generated by simulation and plot it as an ECDF, as covered in the Graphical EDA chapter, earlier in this week.

2.4.3. Introduction to Data Visualization with Python

NOTE: Only Chapters 1 and 3 are required here. Chapter 1: Customizing Plots

Break a plot into an \(n\times m\) grid of subplots as follows:

(This is preferable to plt.axes, not covered here.)

# create the grid and begin working on subplot #1:
plt.subplot( n, m, 1 )
plt.plot( x, y )          # this will create plot #1
plt.title( '...' )        # title for plot #1
plt.xlabel( '...' )       # ...and any other options
# keep the same grid and now work on subplot #2:
plt.subplot( n, m, 2 )
# any plot commands here for plot 2,
# continuing for any further subplots, ending with:

Tweak the limits on the axes as follows:

plt.xlim( [ min, max ] )  # set x axis limits
plt.ylim( [ min, max ] )  # set y axis limits
plt.axis( [ xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax ] ) # both

To add a legend to a plot:

# when plotting series, give each a label,
# which will identify it in the legend:
plt.plot( x1, y1, label='first series' )
plt.plot( x2, y2, label='second series' )
plt.plot( x3, y3, label='third series' )
# then add the legend:
plt.legend( loc='upper right' )
# then show the plot as usual

To annotate a figure:

# add text at some point (here, (10,15)):
plt.annotate( 'text', xy=(10,15) )
# add text at (10,15) with an arrow to (5,15):
plt.annotate( 'text', xytext=(10,15), xy=(5,15),
              arrowprops={ 'color' : 'red' } )

Change plot styles globally:       # see list of styles 'style' )  # choose one Chapter 3: Statistical plots with Seaborn

Plotting a linear regression line:

import seaborn as sns
sns.lmplot( x='col 1', y='col 2', data=df )

Plotting a linear regression line:

import seaborn as sns
sns.lmplot( x='col 1', y='col 2', data=df )
# and the corresponding residual plot:
sns.residplot( x='col 1', y='col 2', data=df,
               color='red' )  # color optional

Plotting a polynomial regression curve of order \(n\):

sns.regplot( x='col 1', y='col 2', data=df,
             order=n )
# this will include a scatter plot, but if you've
# already done one, you can omit redoing it:
sns.regplot( x='col 1', y='col 2', data=df,
             order=n, scatter=None )

To do multiple regression plots for each value of a categorical variable in column X, distinguished by color:

sns.lmplot( x='col 1', y='col 2', data=df,
            hue='column X', palette='Set1' )
# (many other options exist for palette)

Now separate plots into columns, rather than all on one plot:

sns.lmplot( x='col 1', y='col 2', data=df,
            row='column X' )
sns.lmplot( x='col 1', y='col 2', data=df,
            col='column X' )

Strip plots can visualize univariate distributions, especially useful when broken into categories:

sns.stripplot( y='data column', x='category column',
               data=df )
# to add jitter to spread data out a bit in x:
sns.stripplot( y='data column', x='category column',
               data=df, size=4, jitter=True )

Swarm plots, covered earlier, are very similar, but can also have colors in them to distinguish categorical variables:

sns.swarmplot( y='data column', x='category 1',
               hue='category 2', data=df )
# and you can also change the orientation:
sns.swarmplot( y='category 1', x='data column',
               hue='category 2', data=df,
               orient='h' )

Violin plots make curves using kernel density estimation:

sns.violinplot( y='data column', x='category 1',
                hue='category 2', data=df )

Joint plots for visualizing a relationship between two variables:

sns.jointplot( x='col 1', y='col 2', data=df )
# and to add smoothing using KDE:
sns.jointplot( x='col 1', y='col 2', data=df,
               kind='kde' )
# other kind options: reg, resid, hex

Scatter plots and histograms for all numerical columns in df:

sns.pairplot( df )           # no grouping/coloring
sns.pairplot( df, hue='A' )  # color by column A

Visualize a covariance matrix with a heatmap:

M = np.cov( df[['col 1','col 2','col3']], # or more
            rowvar=False )   # vars are in columns
# (or you can use np.corrcoef to normalize np.cov)
sns.heatmap( M )

2.5. Before Day 6

2.5.1. Merging DataFrames with pandas Chapter 1: Preparing data

The glob module is useful:

from glob import glob            # built-in module
filenames = glob( '*.csv' )      # filename list
data_frames = [ pd.read_csv(f)
    for f in filenames ]         # import all files

You can reorder the rows in a DataFrame with reindex:

# example: if an index of month or day names were
# sorted alphabetically as strings
# rather than chronologically:
ordered_days = [ 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu',
                 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun' ]
df.reindex( ordered_days )
# use this to make two dataframes with a common
# index agree on their ordering:
df1.reindex( df2.index )
# in case the indices don't perfectly match,
# NaN values will be inserted, which you can drop:
df1.reindex( df2.index ).dropna()
# or for missing rows, fill with earlier ones:
df.reindex( some_series, method="ffill" )
# (there is also a bfill, for back-fill)

You can reorder a DataFrame in preparation for reindexing:

# sort by index, ascending or descending:
df = df.sort_index()
df = df.sort_index( ascending=False )
# sort by a column, ascending or descending:
df = df.sort_values( 'column name',      # required
                     ascending=False )   # optional Chapter 2: Concatenating data

To add one DataFrame onto the end of another:

big_df = df1.append( df2 )  # top: df1, bottom: df2
big_s = s1.append( s2 )     # works for Series, too
# This also stacks indices, so you usually want to:
big_df = big_df.reset_index( drop=True )

To add many DataFrames or series on top of one another:

big_df = pd.concat( [ df1, df2, df3 ] )
           .reset_index( drop=True )
# equivalently:
big_df = pd.concat( [ df1, df2, df3 ],
                    ignore_index=True )
# or add a hierarchical index to disambiguate:
big_df = pd.concat( [ df1, df2, df3 ],
                    keys=['key1','key2','key3'] )
# equivalently:
big_df = pd.concat( { key1 : df1,
                      key2 : df2,
                      key3 : df3 } )

If df2 introduces new columns, and you want to form rows based on common indices, concat by columns:

big_df = pd.concat( [ df1, df2 ], axis=1 )
# equivalently:
big_df = pd.concat( [ df1, df2 ], axis='columns' )
# these accept keys=[...] also, or a dict to concat

By default, concat performs an “outer join,” that is, index sets are unioned. To intersect them (“inner join”) do this:

big_df = pd.concat( [ df1, df2 ], axis=1,
                    join='inner' )
# equivalently:
big_df = df1.join( df2, how='inner' )

2.5.2. Chapter 3: Merging data

Inner joins on non-index columns are done with merge.

# default merges on all columns present
# in both dataframes:
merged = pd.merge( df1, df2 )
# or you can choose your column:
merged = pd.merge( df1, df2, on='colname' )
# or multiple columns:
merged = pd.merge( df1, df2, on=['col1','col2'] )
# if the columns have different names in each df:
merged = pd.merge( df1, df2,
    left_on='col1', right_on='col2' )
# to specify meaningful suffixes to replace the
# default suffixes _x and _y:
merged = pd.merge( df1, df2,
    suffixes=['_from_2011','_from_2012'] )
# you can also specify left, right, or outer joins:
merged = pd.merge( df1, df2, how='outer' )

We often have to sort after merging (maybe by a date index), for which there is merge_ordered. It most often goes with an outer join, so that’s its default.

# instead of this:
merged = pd.merge( df1, df2, how='outer' )
           .sorted_values( 'colname' )
# do this, which is shorter and faster:
merged = pd.merge_ordered( df1, df2 )
# it accepts same keyword arguments as merge,
# plus fill_method, like so:
merged = pd.merge_ordered( df1, df2,
           fill_method='ffill' )

When dates don’t fully match, you can round dates in the right DataFrame up to the nearest date in the left DataFrame:

merged = pd.merge_asof( df1, df2 )

2.6. Before Day 8

2.6.1. Streamlined Data Ingestion with pandas Chapter 1: Importing Data from Flat Files

Any file whose rows are on separate lines and whose entries are separated by some delimiter can be read with the same read_csv function we’ve already seen.

df = pd.read_csv( "my_csv_file.csv" )   # commas
df = pd.read_csv( "my_tabbed_file.tsv",
                  sep="\t" )            # tabs

If you only need some of the data, you can save space:

# choose just some columns:
df = pd.read_csv( "my_csv_file.csv", usecols=[
    "use", "only", "these", "columns" ] )
# can also give a list of column indices,
# or a function that filters column names

# choose just the first 100 rows:
df1 = pd.read_csv( "my_csv_file.csv", nrows=100 )
# choose just rows 1001 to 1100,
# re-using the column header from df1:
df2 = pd.read_csv( "my_csv_file.csv",
                   nrows=100, skiprows=1000,
                   header=None,       # skipped it
                   names=list(df1) )  # re-use

If pandas is guessing a column’s data type incorrectly, you can specify it manually:

df = pd.read_csv( "my_geographic_data.csv",
                         "isemployed":bool} )
# to correctly handle bool types:
df = pd.read_csv( "my_geographic_data.csv",
                  no_values=["No"] )
# note: missing values get coded as True!
# (pandas understands True, False, 0, and 1)

If some lines in a file are corrupt, you can ask read_csv to skip them and just warn you, importing everything else:

df = pd.read_csv( "maybe_corrupt_lines.csv",
                  warn_bad_lines=True ) Chapter 2: Importing Data from Excel Files

If the spreadsheet is a single table of data without formatting:

df = pd.read_excel( "my_table.xlsx" )
# nrows, skiprows, usecols, work as before, plus:
df = pd.read_excel( "my_table.xlsx",
                    usecols="C:J,L" )  # excel style

If a file contains multiple sheets, choose one by name or index:

df = pd.read_excel( "my_workbook.xlsx",
                    sheet_name="budget" )
df = pd.read_excel( "my_workbook.xlsx",
                    sheet_name=3 )
# (the default is the first sheet, index 0)

Or load all sheets into an ordered dictionary mapping sheet names to DataFrames:

dfs = pd.read_excel( "my_workbook.xlsx",
                     sheet_name=None )

Advanced methods of date/time parsing:

# standard, as seen before:
df = pd.read_excel( "file.xlsx",
                    parse_dates=True )
# just some cols, in standard date/time format:
df = pd.read_excel( "file.xlsx",
                    parse_dates=["col1","col2"] )
# what if a date/time pair is split over 2 cols?
df = pd.read_excel( "file.xlsx",
                    ] )
# what if we want to control column names?
df = pd.read_excel( "file.xlsx",
                    } )
# for nonstandard formats, do post-processing,
# using a strftime format string, like this example:
df["col"] = pd.to_datetime( df["col"],
    format="%m%d%Y %H:%M:%S" ) Chapter 3: Importing Data from Databases

In SQLite, databases are .db files:

# prepare to connect to the database:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine = create_engine( "sqlite:///filename.db" )
# fetch a table:
df = pd.read_sql( "table name", engine )
# or run any kind of SQL query:
df = pd.read_sql( "PUT QUERY CODE HERE", engine )
# if the query code is big:
query = """PUT YOUR SQL CODE
           AS YOU LIKE;"""
df = pd.read_sql( query, engine )
# or get a list of tables:
print( engine.table_names() ) Chapter 4: Importing JSON Data and Working with APIs

From a file or string:

# from a file:
df = pd.read_json( "filename.json" )
# from a string:
df = pd.read_json( string_containing_json )
# can specify dtype, as with read_csv:
df = pd.read_json( "filename.json",
                   dtype={"zipcode":str} )
# also see pandas documentation for JSON "orient":
# records, columns, index, values, or split

From the web with an API:

import requests
response = requests.get(
    headers = {
        "dictionary" : "with things like",
        "username" : "or API key"
    params = {
        "dictionary" : "with options as",
        "required by" : "the API docs"
    } )
data = response.json()  # ignore metadata
result = pd.DataFrame( data )
# or possibly some part of the data, like:
result = pd.DataFrame( data["some key"] )
# (you must inspect it to know)

If the JSON has nested objects, you can flatten:

from import json_normalize
# instead of this line:
result = pd.DataFrame( data["maybe a column"] )
# do this:
result = json_normalize( data["maybe a column"],
                         sep="_" )
# (if there is deep nesting, see the record_path,
# meta, and meta_prefix options)

2.7. Before Day 9

2.7.1. Introduction to SQL Chapter 1: Selecting columns

SQL (“sequel”) means Structured Query Language. A SQL database contains tables, each of which is like a DataFrame.

-- A single-line SQL comment
A multi-line
SQL comment

To fetch one column from a table:

SELECT column_name FROM table_name;

To fetch multiple columns from a table:

SELECT column1, column2 FROM table_name;
SELECT * FROM table_name;   -- all columns

To remove duplicates:

FROM table_name;

To count rows:

FROM table_name;    -- counts all the rows
SELECT COUNT(column_name)
FROM table_name;    -- counts the non-
     -- missing values in just that column
FROM table_name;    -- # of unique entries

If a result is huge, you may want just the first few lines:

SELECT column FROM table_name
LIMIT 10;           -- only return 10 rows Chapter 2: Filtering rows

(selecting a subset of the rows using the WHERE keyword)

Using the comparison operators <, >, =, <=, >=, and <>, plus the inclusive range filter BETWEEN:

SELECT * FROM table_name
WHERE quantity >= 100;  -- numeric filter
SELECT * FROM table_name
WHERE name = 'Jeff';    -- string filter

Using range and set filters:

SELECT title,release_year FROM films
WHERE release_year BETWEEN 1990 AND 1999;
                        -- range filter
SELECT * FROM employees
WHERE role IN ('Engineer','Sales');
                        -- set filter

Finding rows where specific columns have missing values:

SELECT * FROM employees

Combining filters with AND, OR, and parentheses:

SELECT * FROM table_name
WHERE quantity >= 100
  AND name = 'Jeff';    -- one combination
SELECT title,release_year FROM films
WHERE release_year >= 1990
  AND release_year <= 1999
  AND ( language = 'French'
     OR language = 'Spanish' )
  AND gross > 2000000;  -- many

Using wildcards (% and _) to filter strings with LIKE:

SELECT * FROM employees
WHERE name LIKE 'Mac%'; -- e.g., MacEwan
SELECT * FROM employees
WHERE id NOT LIKE '%00';-- e.g., 352800
SELECT * FROM employees
WHERE name LIKE 'D_n';  -- e.g., Dan, Don Chapter 3: Aggregate Functions

We’ve seen this function before; it is an aggregator:

FROM table_name;    -- counts all the rows

Some other aggregating functions: SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX. The resulting column name is the function name (e.g., MAX).

To give a more descriptive name:

SELECT MIN(salary) AS lowest_salary,
       MAX(salary) AS highest_salary
FROM employees;

You can also do arithmetic on columns:

SELECT budget/1000 AS budget_in_thousands
FROM projects;      -- convert a column
SELECT hours_worked * hourly_pay
FROM work_log WHERE date > '2019-09-01';
                    -- create a column
SELECT count(start_date)*100.0/count(*)
FROM table_name;    -- percent not missing Chapter 4: Sorting and grouping

Sorting happens only after selecting:

SELECT * FROM employees
ORDER BY name;      -- ascending order
SELECT * FROM employees
ORDER BY name DESC; -- descending order
SELECT name,salary FROM employees
ORDER BY role,name; -- multiple columns

Grouping happens after selecting but before sorting. It is used when you want to apply an aggregate function like COUNT or AVG not across the whole result set, but to groups within it.

-- Compute average salary by role:
SELECT role,AVG(salary) FROM employees
GROUP BY role;
-- How many people are in each division?
-- (sorting results by division name)
SELECT division,COUNT(*) FROM employees
GROUP BY division
ORDER BY division;

Every selected column except the one(s) you’re aggregating must appear in your GROUP BY.

To filter by a condition (like with WHERE but now applied to each group) use the HAVING keyword:

-- Same as above, but omit tiny divisions:
SELECT division,COUNT(*) FROM employees
GROUP BY division
ORDER BY division;

2.8. Additional Useful References

2.8.1. Python Data Science Toolbox, Part 2 Chapter 1: Using iterators in PythonLand

To convert an iterable to an iterator and use it:

my_iterable = [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ]  # example
my_iterator = iter( my_iterable )
first_value = next( my_iterator )        # 'one'
second_value = next( my_iterator )       # 'two'
# and so on

To attach indices to the elements of an iterable:

my_iterable = [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ]  # example
with_indices = enumerate( my_iterable )
my_iterator = iter( with_indices )
first_value = next( my_iterator )        # (0,'one')
second_value = next( my_iterator )       # (1,'two')
# and so on; see also "Looping Constructs" earlier

To join iterables into tuples, use zip:

iterable1 = range( 5 )
iterable2 = 'five!'
iterable3 = [ 'How', 'are', 'you', 'today', '?' ]
all = zip( iterable1, iterable2, iterable3 )
next( all )     # (0,'f','How')
next( all )     # (1,'i','are')
# and so on, or use this syntax:
for x, y in zip( iterable1, iterable2 ):
    do_something_with( x, y )

Think of zip as converting a list of rows into a list of columns, a “matrix transpose,” which is its own inverse:

row1 = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
row2 = [ 4, 5, 6 ]
cols = zip( row1, row2 )     # swap rows and columns
print( *cols )               # (1,4) (2,5) (3,6)
cols = zip( row1, row2 )     # restart iterator
undo1, undo2 = zip( *cols )  # swap rows/cols again
print( undo1, undo2 )        # (1,2,3) (4,5,6)

Pandas can read CSV files into DataFrames in chunks, creating an iterable out of a file too large for memory:

import pandas as pd
for chunk in pd.read_csv( filename, chunksize=100 ):
    process_one_chunk( chunk ) Chapter 2: List comprehensions and generators

List comprehensions build a list from an output expression and a for clause:

[ n**2 for n in range(3,6) ]      # == [9,16,25]

You can nest list comprehensions:

[ (i,j) for i in range(3) for j in range(4) ]
  # == [(0,0),(0,1),(0,2),(0,3),
  #     (1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(1,3),
  #     (2,0),(2,1),(2,2),(2,3)]

You can put conditions on the for clause:

[ (i,j) for i in range(3) for j in range(3)
        if i + j > 2 ]  # == [ (1,2), (2,1), (2,2) ]

You can put conditions in the output expression:

some_data = [ 0.65, 9.12, -3.1, 2.8, -50.6 ]
[ x if x >= 0 else 'NEG' for x in some_data ]
  # == [ 0.65, 9.12, 'NEG', 2.8, 'NEG' ]

A dict comprehension creates a dictionary from an output expression in key:value form, plus a for clause:

{ a: a.capitalize() for a in ['one','two','three'] }
  # == { 'one':'One', 'two':'Two', 'three':'Three' }

Just like list comprehensions, but with parentheses:

g = ( n**2 for n in range(3,6) )
next( g )                         # == 9
next( g )                         # == 16
next( g )                         # == 25

You can build generators with functions and yield:

def just_like_range ( a, b ):
    counter = a
    while counter < b:
        yield counter
        counter += 1
list( just_like_range( 5, 9 ) )   # == [5,6,7,8]

2.8.2. Introduction to Data Visualization with Python Chapter 2: Plotting 2D arrays

To plot a bivariate function using colors:

# choose the sampling points in both axes:
u = np.linspace( xmin, xmax, num_xpoints )
v = np.linspace( ymin, ymax, num_ypoints )
# create pairs from these axes:
x, y = np.meshgrid( u, v )
# broadcast a function across those points:
z = x**2 - y**2
# plot it in color:
plt.pcolor( x, y, z )
plt.colorbar()       # optional but helpful
plt.axis( 'tight' )  # remove whitespace
# optionally, the pcolor call can take a color
# map parameter, one of a host of palettes, e.g.:
plt.pcolor( x, y, z, cmap='autumn' )

To make a contour plot instead of a color map plot:

# replace the pcolor line with this:
plt.contour( x, y, z )
plt.contour( x, y, z, 50 )  # choose num. contours
plt.contourf( x, y, z )     # fill the contours

To make a bivariate histogram:

# for rectangular bins:
plt.hist2d( x, y, bins=(xbins,ybins) )
# with optional x and y ranges:
plt.hist2d( x, y, bins=(xbins,ybins),
            range=((xmin,xmax),(ymin,ymax)) )
# for hexagonal bins:
plt.hexbin( x, y,
            gridsize=(num_x_hexes,num_y_hexes) )
# with optional x and y ranges:
plt.hexbin( x, y,
            extent=(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) )

To display an image from a file:

image = plt.imread( 'filename.png' )
plt.imshow( image )
plt.axis( 'off' )           # axes don't apply here
# to collapse a color image to grayscale:
gray_img = image.mean( axis=2 )
plt.imshow( gray_img, cmap='gray' )
# to alter the aspect ratio:
plt.imshow( gray_img, aspect=height/width )